• Faqs

An Ayurvedic counselor analyzes client’s mind-body constitution and discusses their health concerns and goals. Based on the information provided by client, counselor suggests the changes to diet and lifestyle to support them in achieving their health goals. Counselor also educates the client about the ayurvedic concepts behind the suggested modification in diet and lifestyle.

According to Ayurveda, a person is healthy when all doshas, agni (metabolism), body tissues and excretory functions are in balance and the mind, senses and spirit are content.

In the United States Ayurveda profession is represented by NAMA (The National Ayurvedic Medical Association). NAMA offers certification programs for Ayurvedic Health Counseling.

In the State of California, Ayurveda is a non-licensed profession. An Ayurvedic professional practices within the guidelines of Senate bill 577: The Health Freedom Act (Passed in January 2003). Ayurvedic Consultations are considered alternative or complementary to healing arts that are licensed by the State of California.

The counselor may recommend some herbal formulations, but before starting any herbal formulation, client should consult with their doctor.

No, you should never stop or change the dosage without a doctor's recommendations.